Title: 闘士たちの肖像
Photographer: Branislav Jankic
Magazine:Vogue Hommes Japan #7
Model: Joost Van Der Hulst, Matthew Terry, Travis Cannata, Esmir Redzepagic, Ehren Dorsey
Stylist: Nicola Formichetti
Hair: Shawn Mount
Makeup: Maki Ryoko
Set design: Jesse Kaufmann
Illustratior: Mel Odom
我想要說:很喜歡將男模們陽剛俊挺的雄性輪廓突顯出來的光影,相輔相成的畫作也很美。我最愛的男性雜誌Vogue Homme Japan果然從不教人失望!
These photos are from various online sources. No credit belongs to the blogger. If the copyright owner demands these photos to be removed from this blog, please leave a message.