補充:[LGBT] Style.com獨家專訪:Andreja Pejić變性後首度真情告白(中文翻譯)
呼呼,Andrej文已經堂堂邁入第四篇囉。本來是沒打算這麼快發文的,但是一來剛結束了為期一個月的週常meeting,想要小小放縱一下無害的玩blog嗜好,二來前陣子剛好讀到這篇篇幅不算短的訪問稿,所以就容我再來慰勞一下大家和(明明就是)自己對Andrej的關愛和思念吧(爆) 廢話不多說,首先我就先把比較嚴肅的採訪搞翻好貼出來,之後的美圖欣賞時間再貼些比較雞毛蒜皮但也很有趣的Andrej的閨蜜照、搞怪照和玩瘋照吧。這次的內容超豐富,請備妥衛生紙以便擦鼻血唷~
"They called my "the thing."
筆者:Cordula Reyer
One of the most beautiful female models is a man.
It’s a hot day on the terrace of a new design hotel in Vienna. Andrej Pejic is sitting on the sofa and drinking Diet Coke. He is very tall, with platinum blond long hair, a skin-tight T-shirt and skinny jeans and black patent leather sneakers in size rather unfeminine 43. Even if someone is prepared for it, the androgyne features of this young man are astonishing. He speaks with a gentle, high voice and moves as smoothly as one would otherwise know only from female models. The native Serb who grew up in Australia became really famous when a large American book store chain pulled the magazine from the sale, on that the 19-year-old with feminine hair-style and bare-chest pose. Absurd way seems to have been the straight absence of breasts, which the booksellers of their customers did not want to expect.
在炎熱維也納的一間新設計酒店內,Andrej Pejic正作在沙發上喝著健怡可樂。他非常的高、一頭白金色長髮,穿著緊身T恤、牛仔褲,腳踩著相對不怎麼陰柔的43號大尺碼黑皮運動鞋。即使我們在採訪前作足了心理準備,這位年輕男子雌雄莫辨的特殊氣質仍讓人第一眼就驚艷不已。他語調溫和偏高,舉手投足充滿著女性的柔美。最近他在美國的知名度急速爆增,原因竟是有家美國連鎖書店緊急將以他作為封面的雜誌全面下架────這位塞爾維亞裔的澳洲男孩以陰柔的髮型和赤裸的平胸登上了該雜誌的封面,而書商似乎不認為他那荒謬的平胸符合顧客的期待。
Welt am Sonntag: Is it true that you were in American men’s magazine FHM’s the world’s hundred “sexiest” women because they did not know you’re a man?
Andrej Pejic: Yes, the whole thing was a bit ugly, because I was suddenly neither man nor a woman, and was only called “the thing”. The poor people of FHM were probably a bit confused. But I’ve also heard that they later apologized publicly.
Welt am Sonntag: Do you feel hurt by such a thing?
Andrej Pejic: Conservatives people are everywhere. If what people think and say about me would hurt me, I would have run around the whole time like a wounded animal. So no, I don’t let these things get to me. Apart from the fact it is the problem of the magazine, and/or the society - it is however not mine. In the end, they were the ones who elected me to the list and what to do with the outcome is nothing. However, I hope to come a few places up in the next election. Preferably in the first three!
答:世界上到處都有保守人士,如果他們的想法和談論我的方式會傷到我,我大概整天都得像隻受傷小動物一樣東逃西竄了吧。所以不,我不會讓那些事影響我。事實上這是雜誌以及/或者這個社會的問題,而不是我的問題。說到底,也是他們主動把我列入了他們的排行榜,而我不想作任何改變結果的舉動。但是話說回來,如果還有下次排行,我希望名次可以比這次再高一點,最好是前三名 (笑)!
Welt am Sonntag: And you would actually like to model for women’s lingerie label Victoria’s Secret?
Andrej Pejic: If they book me, of course, immediately! Although I would rather make it toward the end of my career.
Welt am Sonntag: What do you think about plastic surgery?
Andrej Pejic: I do not mind. But I do not plan to undergo any operation. I feel good, so is what I look like and how I am. A lot of guys want to look like girls and do not make it. My being fits to my appearance, I feel very lucky. Otherwise I would have an operation.
Welt am Sonntag: How do male models react to you?
Andrej Pejic: In the beginning, they always react a little strange, but they set themselves very soon. We often go out together and have fun. Both male and female colleagues ask me whether I want to go out with them. Actually I enjoy the double demand.
Welt am Sonntag: You’ve arrived a few hours from Rio, a city which plays a lot with gender change, and you’ve always dreamed about, right?
Andrej Pejic: Yes. Rio is much more beautiful than I thought. The people are warm and very open. The city is much more exotic than I could imagine it.
Welt am Sonntag: Have you been recognized by many people there?
Andrej Pejic: After the fashion show I went to the afterparty and a few people came up to me to talk to me, but those are mostly people who are involved in the fashion industry. Otherwise I have not been recognized by many people at first . However, a day later after I was on national television, suddenly many “fans” appeared and wanted autographs.
Welt am Sonntag: How do you feel about it, to be suddenly so popular?
Andrej Pejic: It’s funny when someone comes to me and asks me for an autograph. I always think: why? I have done nothing extraordinary.
Welt am Sonntag: But it is already clear to you that you have become a role model for many young people.
Andrej Pejic: Yes, I know from Twitter. I get sent many messages in which they write that I give them the courage to be who they are. I think that’s good because I have a feeling I will help you to accept yourself.
Welt am Sonntag: Someone like you, which stands both for a female and male ideal of beauty, it has[n't] indeed been done before.
Andrej Pejic: Yes, it’s definitely something new that I know. And I hope it will give me many opportunities in the future.
Welt am Sonntag: You look like a beautiful girl. Was that already in your childhood?
Andrej Pejic: I can not say that. But one of my earliest childhood memories is standing in my mother’s dressing room looking through her clothes and trying them on. I was happy to put on make-up, had many friends and played with dolls.
Welt am Sonntag: What did your parents say about it?
Andrej Pejic: If you’re a kid, everyone finds that delightfully and accept it. Only when I had reached a “certain age” it was expected that I was behaving like a decent boy. Thank God my mother has always supported me to be as I am.
Welt am Sonntag: Where did you live at that time?
Andrej Pejic: In Australia.
Welt am Sonntag: Would you be the same today, if you were raised in Serbia, your birth country?
Andrej Pejic: In these interest and in all that has to do with sexual identity, Serbia is very conservative. The typical Balkan man is still a macho one. I probably would have been very difficult as a teenager there. At least it would have been very confusing. I probably would have tried constantly to be the local ideal male. That would have certainly made me pretty hard to play quietly with Barbie dolls.
Welt am Sonntag: Did you like Barbie dolls?
Andrej Pejic: I loved her. And I still love it. Barbie is an icon and the best invention out there. (Laughs) In a way, it was the first supermodel ever.
答: 我愛芭比,到現在還是很愛喔。芭比娃娃不僅是經典偶像,更是世上最棒的發明(笑)。從某種角度而言,她更是史上第一位超級名模。
Welt am Sonntag: What was that time between childhood and adulthood?
Andrej Pejic: It was not easy in Australia. I have tried very hard to be a real boy.
Welt am Sonntag: What does one do there, in order to be a real boy?
Andrej Pejic: Well, just play with other guys or rugby matches with my older brother Igor, who is the total opposite of me.
Welt am Sonntag: Your brother Igor looks so damn good.
Andrej Pejic: Yes, I try to convince him just to model. He has dark short hair, very muscular and masculine. The only thing we have in common are the eyebrows. But not even he managed to turn me into a normal boy.
Welt am Sonntag: Did you feel the burden?
Andrej Pejic: I had to first clarify everything for me. I was always a bit shy and always taken back. Even as a child I was very independent and needed a lot of freedom, so it was ok for me to be much alone. But eventually I came to the point where I thought to myself: “Enough is enough”.
Welt am Sonntag: How old were you?
Andrej Pejic: At that time I was fourteen. I let my hair grow, dyed it pink and wore skintight jeans. I was such a little punk. Yes, punk gave me the opportunity to be a little rebel. Then I changed school and came to a very good art school, where people supported the different ones. At this, I became less antisocial.
Welt am Sonntag: You actually like wearing women’s clothes?
Andrej Pejic: Aahhhmmmm (with very high voice) sometimes … Not very often, but when I think the dress is really nice, I prefer it natural.
答:啊嗯嗯嗯嗯嗯嗯嗯嗯(用超高音回答)有時候啦.... 不是常常,但如果我覺得眼前的女裝真的很好看,我就會順其自然的穿上。
Welt am Sonntag: What about make-up?
Andrej Pejic: “Smoky Eyes” and lipstick are already great, but it should not be too much. I am not drag at all. I’m just not.
Welt am Sonntag: Do you have a favorite designer?
Andrej Pejic: I love Balenciaga, Givenchy and Gaultier, of course. Gaultier was the best show in which I have ever run.
Welt am Sonntag: Was it also the first show, where you both went for the men’s and women’s collection for?
Andrej Pejic: Even in Australia I made a few women’s fashion show, Gaultier was not the very first, but the first really big show. Even then I felt it as something very special, to walk in a wedding dress on the runway.
Welt am Sonntag: Did you even come up with the idea, in both men’s and women’s clothes to model in?
Andrej Pejic: When I came to London, I met Sarah Doukas, owner of model agency Storm. (Editor’s note: Sarah Doukas, she also discovered Kate Moss and was convinced of her star power, even though Moss was then much too small). It was her idea, her agency booked me in both the male and female board. Most photographers, who were interested in me, photographed mainly girls. So I started for women’s fashion magazines like French “Vogue” to work. The whole thing developed in a very natural way.
答:當我來到倫敦的時候,我見到了Storm模特兒經紀公司的老闆Sarah Doukas。(編輯按:Sarah Doukas也發掘了凱特摩絲,早在她還默默無名時就相中了她的明星氣質) 同時走男裝和女裝是她的構想,幫我同時簽男女時裝秀的也是這個經紀公司。對我感興趣的攝影師大多是拍女生的,所以我就先開始替VOGUE法國版之類的女性雜誌工作。一切的發展都自然而然、水到渠成。
Welt am Sonntag: Could we say that it is easier to model women’s clothes?
Andrej Pejic: For me personally or in general?
Welt am Sonntag: For you personally.
Andrej Pejic: Yes. It is less stressful. I believe, I would proceed and move gladly. In men’s clothes, it always means: “Just simply stand there quietly and do not move !” Apparently, because I’m too feminine, if I move, and so that each garment loses its maleness.
接下來是Andrej的玩瘋照 (Andrej這孩子還真是個玩咖呀,瞧他扭得多起勁!)
圖右是在台灣高雄出生(同鄉啊!)的加拿大男模David Chiang,Andrej的傳說中的閨蜜
The interview articles, video(s) and photos were gathered from various online sources. No credit belongs to the blogger. If the credit holders demand these photos to be removed from this blog, please leave a message.
[LGBT] 恭喜Andrej變性成為Andreja,歡迎妳成為大家的好姐妹!
[LGBT] Style.com獨家專訪:Andreja Pejić變性後首度真情告白(中文翻譯)