Title: Panoplies (時尚芭比)
Model: Elisabeth Erm & Magdalena Frackowiak
Photographer: Giampaolo Sgura
Stylist: Claire Dhelens & Celia Azoulay
Magazine: Vogue Paris December 2014 / January 2015
我想要說:Vogue Paris這次把女模包裝成盒裝芭比的創意真是令人驚艷呀!希望有朝一日也能出男模版的時尚肯尼系列,哈哈哈哈!(翻出我的男模花名冊,開始列口袋名單XD)
These photos are from various online sources. No credit belongs to the blogger. If the copyright owner demands these photos to be removed from this blog, please leave a message.