Title: Grand Entrance(盛大登場)
Model: Natalia Vodianova, Benjamin Millepied
Photographer: Annie Leibovitz
Magazine: Vogue US November 2014
Stylist: Tonne Goodman, Michael Philouze
Hair: Oribe
Makeup: Stéphane Marais
Set designer: Mary Howard
我想要說:恭賀年僅37歲的Benjamin Millepied榮登巴黎歌劇院芭蕾舞團總監!Vogue US請來以浪漫奢華風格著稱的女攝影師Annie Leibovitz掌鏡、將場景選在美得令人屏息的巴黎歌劇院,真是再適合不過了~
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