Title: The Rose Bone (玫瑰骸骨)
Magazine: Re: Magazine # Spring 2012
Photographer: An Le
Stylist: Perri Rothenbergt
Set Design: Dylan Auman
Model: Melanie Blankenship, Lara Lili, Madison Taylor, Christina Adams, Aaron Odum, Gabriel Curl, Anthony Gelfand, Jake William Hamilton
我想要說:啊啊啊啊我一看到這組作品馬上直覺聯想到American Horror Story!(AHS是目前正夯的美國恐怖影集)好一場詭美的哥德風降靈會/巫魔會哪,我最愛這種風格的作品了~(←灑花跳舞轉圈圈的怪咖)
These photos are from various online sources. No credit belongs to the blogger. If the copyright owner demands these photos to be removed from this blog, please leave a message.