Model: Travis and Troy Cannata
Photographer: Andrew Weir
我想要說:C'est bon! This is good! これはいい!嘰咧嚇!這個好!終於,在我發覺世間上有著The Brewer Twins這對養眼好物的十年之後,另一對同樣養眼的雙胞胎男模出現了!噢對了,由於這對新秀雙胞胎的照片只有兩張,所以我就姑且補上我十年前一度關注的Brewer Twins黃金時代照片一張好了。(雖然黃金時代的言下之意就是Brewer Twins現在都已經......嗯......花無百日紅了)
下圖這對金髮尤物就是傳說中的Derek & Keith Brewer......嗯,十年前的品味畢竟還是奶油了點......現在果然還是覺得帶點歲月痕跡的陽剛MAN貨比較帥!
These photos are from various online sources. No credit belongs to the blogger. If the copyright owner demands these photos to be removed from this blog, please leave a message.