
(photo credit: Open Yale Courses, SOCY 151 - Foundations of Modern Social Theory web page)

SOCY 151 - Foundations of Modern Social Theory
Professor  Iván Szelényi
Fall, 2009

‎"Women are actually worse in their condition than slaves, because men expect women even love rather than just obedience. At least from slaves they don't expect love." - Iván Szelényi on John Stuard Mill

「女人的地位其實比奴隸還不如,因為男人不僅要女人順服,甚至還要求女人付出真愛。至少,男人不會向奴隸要求真愛。」論約翰‧史都華‧彌勒 (謎之音:Mill的發音怎麼會是彌勒?吼!)

‎"civilization comes out of the repression of drives rather than the satisfaction of them. if whatever you always need is immediately satisfied, there is no civilization. civilization comes from suffering and suppressed desires. that's when you go back and create great pieces of art or become a great scientist because you suppress your sexual and other desires." - Iván Szelényi on Thomas Hobbes and Sigmund Freud

「文明並非來自驅力 (譯按:通常指性驅力、食物驅力等原始欲望) 的滿足,而是來是對驅力的壓抑。如果你不管想要什麼都能立即獲得到滿足,文明就不會產生。文明來自於隱忍和被壓抑的驅力。人之所以會發憤創作偉大的藝術作品、努力成為傑出的科學家,皆因壓抑了性慾與其他原始慾望。」論霍布斯和佛洛依德

‎"Though the Water running in the Fountain be every ones, yet who can doubt, but that in the Pitcher is his only who drew it out?" - John Locke on the idea of labor creates value.


"Men are so foolish that they take care to avoid what Mischiefs may be done them by Pole-cats, or Foxes, but are content, nay think it Safety, to be devoured by Lions." - John Locke on the necessity to seek protection not only from your neighbors but from those in the position of authority and power.


"Our didactic and pedantic craze is always to teach children what they would learn much better by themselves and to forget what we alone could teach them. Is there anything more foolish than the effort made to teach them to walk, as if anyone were ever seen who, due to his nurse's negligence, did not when grown know how to walk? How many people, on the contrary, does one see walk badly for their whole lives because they were badly taught how to walk?" - Émile: Or, On Education by Jean-Jacques Rousseau
「我們對於教訓嘮叨與炫耀博學已經狂熱成癖,以致我們老是想去教導孩子那些靠自己學就能學得很好的東西,反而忘記去教導孩子只有我們才能教他們的東西。」- 《愛彌兒》,尚‧賈克‧盧梭


"the words obey and command will be proscribed from his lexicon, and even more so duty and obligation. But strength, necessity, impotence, and constraint should play a great role in it. Before the age of reason one cannot have any idea of moral beings or of social relations. Hence so far as possible words which express them must be avoided, for fear that the child in the beginning attach to these words false ideas which you will not know about or will no longer be able to destroy." - Émile: Or, On Education by Jean-Jacques Rousseau
「服從和命令應該從孩子們的字彙中剔除,責任和義務更是如此。教育之中重要的詞彙是力量、需求、脆弱與約束。在孩子發展出理性之前,道德規範和社會關係的概念都尚未成形,因此描述這些概念的詞彙都應該盡量避免,以免孩子在教育者不知不覺或者發現太遲前就過度依附上這些虛假的概念。」 - 《愛彌兒》,尚‧賈克‧盧梭


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