本日最中肯:《新聞急先鋒 (The Newsroom)》第一季第六集一語道破米國人的宗教偏見,看得我是拍案叫絕!在大家順著西方主流媒體的操弄、把所有伊斯蘭教徒都妖魔化成恐怖份子前,請注意,進行恐怖攻擊的是少數激進的反社會份子,而這種極端份子不管在哪種宗教、哪個族裔、哪個國家之中都可能存在,請不要一竿子打翻一船人。
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[debating the construction of an Islamic community center near Ground Zero]
Will: Miss Greer, you mentioned creeping Islam, are you concerned about creeping Christianity?
Phylis Greer: [laughing] Only that it's not creeping fast enough.
菲莉絲‧葛莉兒:[笑] 我只擔心基督教擴張得還不夠快。
Will: Okay. Here are some things done on American soil in the name of Christianity. The Ku Klux Klan burned down black churches, raped women, murdered civil rights workers, murdered children and terrorized communities for over a century. The neo nazis all acted and continue to act in the name of white christian supremacy. The army of god fatally attacks abortion clinics and doctors across the country. The covenant, the sword and the arm of the lord targets local police and federal agents. The federal building in Oklahoma City. The attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan and the successful assassinations of Martin Luther King, John F. Kennedy, John Lennon, and Abraham Lincoln, all perpetrated by Christians.
Will: Okay. Here are some things done on American soil in the name of Christianity. The Ku Klux Klan burned down black churches, raped women, murdered civil rights workers, murdered children and terrorized communities for over a century. The neo nazis all acted and continue to act in the name of white christian supremacy. The army of god fatally attacks abortion clinics and doctors across the country. The covenant, the sword and the arm of the lord targets local police and federal agents. The federal building in Oklahoma City. The attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan and the successful assassinations of Martin Luther King, John F. Kennedy, John Lennon, and Abraham Lincoln, all perpetrated by Christians.
Miss Greer, we weren't attacked by Muslims, we were attacked by sociopaths, and I for one would join you in protesting a community center for the criminally insane, but no one is suggesting building one.
威爾:好吧,咱們來看看以基督教的名義發生在美國本土的事情。百年來,3K黨員焚毀黑人教堂、強姦婦女、謀殺民權工作者、殺害幼童、對許多社區進行恐怖統治。新納粹份子從過去到現在一直都以白種基督徒至上的名義在行動。神的軍隊在全國各地對墮胎診所和醫生發動致命攻擊。聖約、聖劍和天軍組織 (皆為激進基督教團體)攻擊的對象則是當地警員和聯邦探員。奧克拉荷馬市聯邦大廈爆炸案、雷根總統暗殺未遂事件,還有馬丁路德金(黑人平權運動領袖)、甘迺迪總統、約翰藍儂、林肯總統的成功暗殺事件,全部都是基督徒犯下的罪行。