
大家稍安勿躁,本文完全不涉及《人魚之歌》這本小說的優劣評斷,純粹是我讀到一半很有感覺的小小抒發。以下節錄的部分是書中男女主角 (女:刑案探員、男:犯罪心理分析師)之間的談話。不知怎的,這段對話彷彿刺中了心中的某道封印,讓我的防衛機轉瞬間轟隆轟隆地運作起來,大叫: "EW, GROSS!!!! (嗚,噁心死了!)"


"And you're absolutely convinced that it isn't a woman?" she asked.


"The psychology's all wrong. Taking the most obvious point, this killer's an obsessive, and that tends to be a male trait. How many women do you know who hang about station platforms in the rain in anoraks writing down train numbers?"


"But what about that syndrome, what's it called, where people get obsessed with someone else to the point where they make their lives a misery? I thought it was mainly women who suffer from that?"


"De Clerambault's Syndrome," Tony said.


"And yes, it is principally women who suffer from it. But they only focus on one person, and the only person who's likely to get dead as a result is the sufferer, who sometimes commits suicide. The thing is that women's obsessions and compulsions are different from men's. Men's obsessions are about control; they collect stamps and catalogue them, they collect a pair of knickers from every woman they've slept with. They need trophies.


Women's obsessions are about submission; in eating disorders, it's the obsession that takes them over and controls them rather than the other way about. A sufferer from de Clerambault's Syndrome who married the object of her desire would probably be the chauvinist's ideal of the perfect wife. That pattern doesn't fit our killer. "

"EW, GROSS!!!!"



P.S. 我想任何對心理學有一點基礎認識的人都看得出來,這本小說是一本沿用了心理學元素的犯罪/推理小說,而不是嚴謹的心理學專書。對本書提到的各心理疾病症狀與診斷,大家還是看看就好嚕。

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