以下經統計普遍最常見的夢中,你做過哪些?These are the 20 most common themes of dreams. Tell us which ones you had!
與學校相關的夢境Dreams related to school
被追趕、攻擊Being chased or attacked
公眾裸體或衣不得體Naked or ill-dressed in public
性接觸(主動或被迫)Active or forced sexual contact
墜落、沉沒、跌倒Falling, drowning, or tripping
遲到Being late
身邊的生者突然死亡Alive people around you found dead
考試(或考驗、比賽)成績非常糟Poor performance in tests, contests, or games
牙齒掉了Falling teeth
羞恥的時刻Embarrassing moments
車禍Car or vehicle accidents
受傷、生病或死亡injury, sickness, or death
財產的損失或破壞Loss or damage of personal property
趕不上搭乘交通工具Missing a plane or other transportation
機械或電話故障Machine or phone malfunction
自然或人為災害Natural or man-made disasters
迷路或被捕捉Getting lost or trapped
被鬼、妖怪或靈魂所恐嚇Haunted or terrorized by ghosts, monsters, or spirits
童年時期的經驗Childhood experiences
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我是個每天做夢的怪咖,上面除了「機械或電話故障」之外,每種夢我都作過,真不知該驕傲還是擔憂,哈哈= =

P.S. 國外研究指出夢一般而言似乎是負面比正面多,不知道是為什麼呢?是否和佛爺爺談到的自我/本我/超我之間的角力有關呢?無論如何,夢真是種有意思的東西呀!


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