(此音樂錄影帶並非本人上傳,原網址見http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQe07ureqQk )

Alanis Morrissette - Uninvited

Like anyone would be  如同任何人都會有的反應
I am flattered by your fascination with me  你對我的迷戀讓我受寵若驚
Like any hot-blooded woman  如同任何熱血女子的心情
I have simply wanted an object to crave  我要的不過是讓我渴求的胸襟
But you, you're not allowed  但你,你不受允許
You're uninvited  你未經邀請
An unfortunate slight  不幸的小東西

Must be strangely exciting  想必詭譎地刺激
To watch the stoic squirm  觀賞禁慾主義者的掙扎扭曲
Must be somewhat heartening  想必多少有點振奮人心
To watch them burn me shepherd  觀賞世人焚燒我,牧羊人
But you you're not allowed  但你,你不受允許
You're uninvited  你未經邀請
An unfortunate slight  不幸的小東西

Like any uncharted territory  如同任何未知的處女地
I must seem greatly intriguing  我看來一定非常有趣
You speak of my love like  你高談闊論我的愛情
You have experienced love like mine before  彷彿你也曾身歷其境
But this is not allowed  但這不被允許
You're uninvited  你未經邀請
An unfortunate slight  不幸的小東西

I don't think you unworthy  我並非刻意看不起你
I need a moment to deliberate  我只是需要一些時間想想......


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